
  1. In the test.txt file, add a new line with the text Definitely the last change!. Add and create a commit with the change to test.txt with the commit message final changes to test.txt and push to GitHub. Check the GitHub website to ensure that your changes appear there.

  2. Create a new file in your git-i-{GITHUB_USERNAME} directory called favorite-things.txt. Add text to this file to list a few of your favorite things (three is enough). Now, add an additional line of text to the README.md that says Definitely the last change!. Commit only the changes that you made to README.md. Use git commit without the -m flag and use the text editor that Git opens for you to add a multi-line commit message that says:

    final changes to README.md
    Some more comments on an additional line

    Use git status to confirm that you have added only the changes to README.md before pushing the commit to GitHub. Check the GitHub website to see if you completed this excercise correctly. Hint: You should not see the new file that you created (favorite-things.txt) on GitHub.

  3. Add the new file favorite-things.txt to a commit and push the file to GitHub. After confirming that the new file appears on GitHub, edit the file to add an additional line of text to include something that you dislike.

    Use Git to restore favorite-things.txt to include only your favorite things. Use git status to confirm that you have not made any new changes to favorite-things.txt since your last commit. Hint: You should not need to edit favorite-things.txt in VSCode to restore the original text.

  4. Add your full name and CnetID to the top of favorite-things.txt. Add these changes to a new commit but do not commit and push them just yet. After staging this last change to a commit, you realize that you forgot to include an additional update to favorite-things.txt.

    Unstage favorite-things.txt, add one more favorite thing to the list in the file, and then commit and push your changes to the remote repository. Use git status to confirm that there are no pending changes in your repository. Check GitHub to make sure that favorite-things.txt includes all of your recent changes.

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